If you are interested in more detailed information, please contact us at the email address: obchod@asd-software.cz
We are looking for colleagues to strengthen our team, to whom we will provide an environment for their self-realization and development.
ASD Software, s.r.o.
Žerotínova 2981/55A
787 01 Šumperk
Czech Republic
Secretariat:+420 583 300 711
ASD Software, s.r.o. publishes the following information according to Section 9, Subsection 2, Paragraph b) of Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on Whistleblower Protection:
The designated contact person is Mrs. Petra Beranová, phone number +420 583 300 704, e-mail: oznamovatele@asd-software.cz.
Notifications according to the Whistleblower Protection Act can be submitted:
The obligated entity excludes the acceptance of notifications from a person who does not perform work or similar activity for the obligated entity according to Section 2, Subsection 3, Paragraphs a), b), h), or i) of the Whistleblower Protection Act.